Saturday, July 26, 2008

A fun visit

I had coffee with my guest as she ate breakfast this morning. I learned many things about her relatives from the area. My mom came out to sell things in her granary, she sells collectibles and it's the cutest little store ever. She came in and visited a bit and met my guest and we all sat and had coffee and visited. After about two hours she thought she had better get going to catch her ride to Pelican Rapids for the reunion. She is a neat Christian woman and also a RN like myself. My husband and I drove to Schulstad's and picked up some farm fresh raspberries and fresh potatoes and then off to Erskine to wash his pick up. He said if he ever gets to be a millionaire, he's going to buy his own car wash to have right at the farm. I hope he does one day. Back to the B and B I went to wait for more guests and as I waited I cleaned cupboards and removed all the paint, varnish, stain etc I had used in restoring the house, I could have a mini hardware store. The guests arrived and were ready to relax and sit by the fire outside. I'm ready to enjoy the evening with my husband and just relax then back to the b and b in the morning to make a wonderful breakfast and off to church.

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