Thursday, July 31, 2008

An Old Bridge

This old bridge is going to be torn up about 1/2 mile from our b and b. We contacted the contractor and are hoping we can buy it and put it on our driveway leading up to the b and b. Wouldn't it be grand?

Four Sisters from Bejou

These 4 sisters came to celebrate a birthday and came all decked out in matching outfits. They had such an enjoyable time by going out to eat at Lakeview resort and then back to the B and B for a evening visit and a good breakfast in the morning. They all shopped and bought things at the little store and headed off to Mahnomen to see their mother in the nursing home. I wish my four sisters would have this much fun.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fresh Raspberries

Is there anything better than fresh raspberries? Yep, fresh raspberries with cream and sugar. I picked them yesterday at my friend Deborah's home. Today I prepared them and made raspberry jelly and will be enjoying the jelly on my toast. Of course I did save some for the cream and sugar. Yesterday I said good bye to my new friend from Illinois and I hope to have the opportunity to see her again. Today I have coffee guests coming at 1 pm, 2 pm and after that I have two ladies coming to finish up putting their store together in the old school house. It's going to be very warm today and I enjoy every minute of it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Morning

Another fun visit with the 78 year old this morning, plus a couple stayed last night that were here for the Ystenes reunion. After breakfast I headed off to Beltrami to church and my guest was there to hear her relative speak who is a missionary in Japan. I sat with her and we had a special time together. She is such a fun person to be around and I only hope that my Christian walk will be like hers when I am 78.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Willow Creek School

I named my bed and breakfast after the Willow Creek school that was located across the field. It was moved to the Johnson place in the 60's. I have numerous pictures of past students and enjoy sharing them with others. Here are a few for you to enjoy. We have since renovated that and two gals have asked to sell their collectibles in it, they have set it up very cute so I hope you will come to enjoy it.

A fun visit

I had coffee with my guest as she ate breakfast this morning. I learned many things about her relatives from the area. My mom came out to sell things in her granary, she sells collectibles and it's the cutest little store ever. She came in and visited a bit and met my guest and we all sat and had coffee and visited. After about two hours she thought she had better get going to catch her ride to Pelican Rapids for the reunion. She is a neat Christian woman and also a RN like myself. My husband and I drove to Schulstad's and picked up some farm fresh raspberries and fresh potatoes and then off to Erskine to wash his pick up. He said if he ever gets to be a millionaire, he's going to buy his own car wash to have right at the farm. I hope he does one day. Back to the B and B I went to wait for more guests and as I waited I cleaned cupboards and removed all the paint, varnish, stain etc I had used in restoring the house, I could have a mini hardware store. The guests arrived and were ready to relax and sit by the fire outside. I'm ready to enjoy the evening with my husband and just relax then back to the b and b in the morning to make a wonderful breakfast and off to church.

Friday, July 25, 2008

78 year old driver

I checked in a young lady of 78 who drove all the way from Chicago for a family reunion. She was a delightful sort and did not want me fussing with a big breakfast in the morning. I get tired just driving to the cities, I can't imagine driving all the way up from Chicago. She was delighted with the Bed and Breakfast and brought her cousin from Oregon out to see it too, so next time he stays, he knows where to come. I watered all the window boxes and whiskey barrels full of flowers, it's going to be a hot one today.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I couldn't wait to show you

A New Blogger

This blogging thing is new for me but I thought it would be fun to blog about the adventures at my Bed and Breakfast. We just opened Willow Creek Bed and Breakfast last October, 2007. We bought my husbands great grandparents homestead with 10 acres 6 miles East of Fertile, MN. It is a praire home, called a 4 square, built in 1918 by his great grandmother/ a widow left with 11 children. We figure it is a Sears home because of the numbers and things on the back of the boards. We gutted it down to the bare studs, firred out the 2x4's and added R19 insulation, sheetrocked and painted, added all new windows, took all the old wood work out, stripped it and restained and varnished it all. Sanded all the hardwood floors and varnished, put all new windows and wiring in and light fixtures. It is truly a piece of history and just being there makes me happy and filled with joy. We also have an old grainary which we converted into a little store with collectibles and the original one room school house called "Willow Creek" is on the premises, it was moved there about 1960 from across the field. We renovated it back to it's original look and use it for gatherings of any kind. I forgot to mention when we tore off the siding the original was underneath so we were ecstatic, this is a picture while it was being painted, we also laid cement and landscaped around the house, it is beautiful now with the flowers blooming, i will get a picture posted soon about that.