Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy Weekend

I had a busy weekend with three rooms full. They came for a family reunion in Fertile and said staying here was the highlight of their trip. They feel once the words gets out I will be busy busy busy. I hope their right. Do you like my outhouse? It's a two room, two seater and it came from Varnes Church. We were so excited to have it, we'll always have a back up if needed, ha ha.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

An Old Bridge

This old bridge is going to be torn up about 1/2 mile from our b and b. We contacted the contractor and are hoping we can buy it and put it on our driveway leading up to the b and b. Wouldn't it be grand?

Four Sisters from Bejou

These 4 sisters came to celebrate a birthday and came all decked out in matching outfits. They had such an enjoyable time by going out to eat at Lakeview resort and then back to the B and B for a evening visit and a good breakfast in the morning. They all shopped and bought things at the little store and headed off to Mahnomen to see their mother in the nursing home. I wish my four sisters would have this much fun.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fresh Raspberries

Is there anything better than fresh raspberries? Yep, fresh raspberries with cream and sugar. I picked them yesterday at my friend Deborah's home. Today I prepared them and made raspberry jelly and will be enjoying the jelly on my toast. Of course I did save some for the cream and sugar. Yesterday I said good bye to my new friend from Illinois and I hope to have the opportunity to see her again. Today I have coffee guests coming at 1 pm, 2 pm and after that I have two ladies coming to finish up putting their store together in the old school house. It's going to be very warm today and I enjoy every minute of it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Morning

Another fun visit with the 78 year old this morning, plus a couple stayed last night that were here for the Ystenes reunion. After breakfast I headed off to Beltrami to church and my guest was there to hear her relative speak who is a missionary in Japan. I sat with her and we had a special time together. She is such a fun person to be around and I only hope that my Christian walk will be like hers when I am 78.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Willow Creek School

I named my bed and breakfast after the Willow Creek school that was located across the field. It was moved to the Johnson place in the 60's. I have numerous pictures of past students and enjoy sharing them with others. Here are a few for you to enjoy. We have since renovated that and two gals have asked to sell their collectibles in it, they have set it up very cute so I hope you will come to enjoy it.